Thank you! To all our customers and our peers who, once again, made the effort to the Financial Times and Statista survey of the top UK management consultancies, and put RedQuadrant amongst that list.

Join the discussion on LinkedIn: What core principles have helped you to succeed?

We work to transform public services, and ourselves.

And we put three core principles into practice:

Social and environmental justice

We believe that the purpose of public service is to enable better citizen and community outcomes.

Therefore, we put equality, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of transformation.

We’ve believed this our entire careers — but things haven’t changed as much as they should have done. The pressure for justice is only going to get stronger — we all need to take responsibility.

We offer impactful, sustainable, and progressive methods and points of intervention, underpinned by some beliefs:

• digital — we take the emerging world seriously

• agile — it is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking thank think yourself into a new way of acting

• systems and complexity, systems leadership — the work of leadership is fundamentally complex

• the community paradigm — re-focusing on citizen and community outcomes

• doing ourselves out of a job: building client capability and our leadership of the Public Service Transformation Academy are at the heart of our brand

Experienced, authentic delivery together

We put the spirit and reality of adult-to-adult relationships and partnering into practice

• We offer practised, capable, outcome-focused, skilled, and productive people

• We do the hard work that’s really needed to make a difference

• We form one team with you and work together

• We do what you need as well as what you ask for in the contract

• We offer authenticity and honesty

It seems to be working! We’ve been going for 15 years now — and consistently had clients return and great people working with us, despite the turmoil in UK public services.

If this post seems self-congratulatory — guilty as charged 🙂

What core principles have helped you to succeed?

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